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, Posted by adkunyuk at 07.40

In the past, lovers used to send each other love letters that, despite obstacles and distance, kept their relationship vivant. This way, the long waiting period till they could see each other again seemed bearable.
Today, the internet became a new messenger for the lonely ones, the ones searching for a relationship or persons that want to communicate with off-shares friends or lovers and family.
Aside words, in a face to face encounter partners exchange gestures, looks, caresses, inviting each other to go on. The look in her eyes can encourage you; his smile can show you how happy he is to be in your company.
Distance relationships don’t give you the advantage of seeing the gestures and reactions of the other person. You are never quite certain that your message will be appreciated. There are many factors that influent the chances to receive an answer that can live up to expectations. Despite this reality, you must use wisely the minimum of control you hold.
When sending that email, you must create an adequate atmosphere by choosing an appealing subject for your email. Write something like “For your eyes only” or “To read when you need me”.
You must always state clearly your desires and be much more forward online than in real life. If you are not, the other person might think you have forgotten everything you had.

Creating a romantic atmosphere over the internet can be tricky, but if you both want it, it can be done. All you have to do is help each other. If you are trying to understand the other person’s reaction, just test them. Send emails that use a personal tone, full of big words and somehow try to set them in an imaginary romantic and ideal world. Some world you can now refer to as your world, a world that might appeal to your interlocutor.

If you have an email describing events from your friends life, pay attention to them. Try to show you really read the email by referring to each and every moment described in a different sentence. Have opinions and give advice.

When romantically corresponding, you must rise above your real experiences. If In real life you are shy, here you are not allowed to. Just relax and create a romantic atmosphere in your room and the right words will appear themselves.

Currently have 38 komentar:

  1. Unknown says:

    Nice and informative article great tips for lovers as well as for those who want to build strong relationship based on trust and confidence.sometime people fail to convey their feelings and deepest thoughts to others this article help them as well.thanks for sharing.

  1. Unknown says:

    Some people success in their virtual love until they get marriage but some ending in a sad stories. We need to take more precautions when dealing with other people online especially when dealing with our heart.

  1. PoiZn says:

    Well, it is up to the people itself whether they like virtual love or not. Many people choose this kind of love because they have desperate of finding true love in their community. But we also must appreciate them, because everybody have the right to love someone :)

  1. Unknown says:

    This article is very informative for people to be very precautions when are in such situation. "Virtaul love" is vaint. Thanks for post this article.

  1. The Legend says:

    As my personal experment I have been married after virtual love I think everything is fine without unless some behavior habbits that were not clear online !!

  1. Tanmi Gold says:

    Virtual Love is something above everything on this earth.It can make your life blossom especially in todays mechanical world.
    I m one such Virtual Lover.. :-)

  1. Unknown says:

    i like this way conect with my frends by send to them massage and some time my friend going to another country so the best way to conecct to him and the hardest thing is how i use my fill in massage

  1. Anonim says:

    the internet is a very good way to connect with people but i think falling in love in someone means more than chatting or facebooking. i guess the net won't replace the real contact very soon

  1. ferdy says:

    menjalin hubungan sangatlah penting bagi setiap orang apalagi melalui internet,sangat mendukung sekali untuk menjalin hubungan lebih, ini bisa menjadi salah satu cara dalam mengembangankan suatu hubungan.

  1. online store says:

    i am one of the virtual lover, i think it also could be one of the way to give our attention, or care and our love to our wife that we can show our love in many ways

  1. Anonim says:

    Thank you so much for these informations. Virtualy in love- I`ve been looking for something like this.

  1. Unknown says:

    This article has a very different explanation of love which I liked a lot. I am amazed by the points kept as examples. I really like to appreciate your nice article.

  1. You truly have deep understanding of love and romance...though every persona has a different way of seeing things, the way you perceive such special emotion is kinda amazing... keep it burning!

  1. Unknown says:

    great tips for lovers , informative, i kinda like ur post ,

    keep posting

  1. bayu says:

    Virtual love is one way to show love to someone. thanks for sharing about it.

  1. Anonim says:

    internet merupakan salah satu "sembako" bagi masyarakat dunia, produk internet yang terkenal adalah e-mail, e-mail hampir mengganti peranan surat-menyurat konvensional, tetapi dalam beremail banyak aturan yang harus kita perhatikan sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku dinegara masing-masing.

  1. Unknown says:

    Great tips to consider when you are writing email to your love. Face to face and virtual communications are quite different so you need to know the best ways to express your feelings while communicating.

  1. JAY says:

    Hi! The internet is where me and my wife has all started. I met her through online chatting and this is how we developed our love. Love is really all around.

  1. anjuman06 says:

    This is a very informative article. This will obviously help people to be very precautions when are in such situation. "Virtaul love" is vaint. Thank you.

  1. DIHAN says:

    Love is any of a number of emotions related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, ...

  1. Anonim says:

    Love has no boundary, call it virtuality or spirituality. We need some extra caution when getting entangled in love. Virtual love sometimes become success and also sometimes failure. Very nice article. Thanks a lot.

  1. budugu says:

    You have really got a deep understanding of love and romance in a different perspective. What i feel amazing is the way you perceive things.

  1. Unknown says:

    virtual love is a good article about love, every person will have experienced this in there life.

  1. Anonim says:

    This article throws light on the term love and it is very impressive article.must read by everyone who visits this blogs.It creates the deep feeling of love in our minds.Well written about virtual love.

  1. harish says:

    it really explains well how can one fall in love and really interesting and fun to read and enjoy

  1. Unknown says:

    I actually had such a romantic relationship experience. It was great moment and it all started on chat room. It was like 10 years ago and I am married with my internet lover for 7 years now.

  1. Ram says:

    I don't think this virtual love will last for years. Because people will get disappointed when they meet each other in many aspects.

  1. Well, it is up to the people itself whether they like virtual love or not. Many people choose this kind of love because they have desperate of finding true love in their community. But we also must appreciate them, because everybody have the right to love someone :)

  1. zakka says:

    wah bener bener mantep nih, lumayan ada inspirasi baru... keep posting !!!
    its a great posting. virtualy love is another one way to find your true love...

  1. Unknown says:

    above vitual love is very great and good informative artical. some peoples are benifits in this site, virtual site is some times most success and some times failure also.

  1. Unknown says:

    what an alternative way to find the true love. Very interesting..nice post

  1. Unknown says:

    nice post, thank you for share this article for us, i think this post can useful for lovers :)

  1. Unknown says:

    Finding the one that you really like from internet is nice but I think you have to be more careful and make sure that person is real and don't put all of your trust until you are truly sure about that person's background.

  1. aprilfool says:

    The virtual love concept is amazing my dear friend.... I agree with u. in olden really there is lot of emotions when dey sending love letters and receiving bcoz dey dont know is it really reaches to correct persons. Now a days through the internet connecting webcam and chatting and watching each other.....

  1. Unknown says:

    Adoption can occur domestically or internationally. Each state has its own laws governing domestic adoptions. There are several different types of domest

  1. Unknown says:

    I knew very little about adoption before reading this article.Now I gathered important information about adoption. Thanks.

  1. Unknown says:

    The Article has very meaningful information and is really helpful in finding out that how could the love be given all due respect even in virtual environment. It is indeed difficult to understand feelinngs when lovers are far away but if the steps are taken cautiously then there is no fear of getting hurt .

  1. Anonim says:

    im very love virtual love